Guide to Computing Technology of the 60s

Guide to Computing Technology of the 60s

The 1960s experienced a technological revolution from the beginning of the decade to the end. There was a massive boom of technology happening worldwide. From software breakthroughs to landing the first man on the moon, the decade showed how powerful technology could be when the responsibility of progress wasn’t only left in … Read more

Guide to 1960s Hollywood

black and white Hollywood name, famous landmark, Hollywood hills

The 1960s, as one of America’s most revolutionary decades, marked a cultural upheaval on numerous fronts, including hollywood. The decade heralded the advent of new paradigms of big-screen entertainment commonly referred to as “The New Hollywood,” also known as the Hollywood Renaissance, American New Wave, and the auteur period, and begins with … Read more

Whatever Happened to Barbara Walters?

Barbara Walters with President Gerald Ford

Barbara Walters is a popular broadcast journalist in the United States. She is also an author and television personality. She is famous for her interviewing ability and popularity with viewers. Through the years, she appeared as the host of many different television programs, such as the ABC Evening News, Today, 20/20, and … Read more

Best Selling Novels in the 1960s


There are times when people like to jump back in time and experience what it felt like to be in a different era. Have you ever thought about the 1960s and the things that happened back then? One of the ways to relive those experiences is by reading novels. There are books … Read more

Top Songs of 1967

John Lennon

Songs are musical compositions describing something or some incidents in life. They also vary from region to region; you will find different songs from different parts of the world. And they also vary according to era. When you hear the songs of today and the 1900s, you will see the huge difference … Read more

Pop Culture in Review for the Year 1968

supersonic passenger

Famous events around the globe define a time period’s pop culture. This pop culture is an important factor on how people live their lives. It changes perspectives and the thinking process of people towards different aspects. Pop culture includes major events and happenings such as sports news, technological advancement, general news and … Read more

Pop Culture in Review for the Year 1969

Elvis nixon

Pop culture refers and it comprises different events, episodes, happenings in the society of a country. Pop culture not only caters to the social aspects or beliefs of a country, but it also streams its film industry, music, important discoveries or inventions in the technological field and sports events. 1969 is regarded … Read more

Highlights of the Major Pop Culture Trends of the 1960s

One of the most important events of the 1960s when man first stepped on the moon. Picture of Buzz Aldrin walking on the moon

The decade of the 1960s is considered as a cultural decade since most of the changes and happenings this year were more significant in terms of culture and aesthetics. The decade of sixties is also called as “Swinging Sixties” as it had a youth driven cultural revolution focused on relaxation of the … Read more

Pop Culture in Review for the Year 1967


Entertainment and media have been part of the different types of pop cultures since the ancient times. Moving towards a much more modern approach, other social events such as sports, technological impacts, new kinds of books and television shows are also considered as a part of pop culture. The following article will … Read more

Pop Culture in Review for the Year 1966

soldiers in the Vietnam War

Pop culture has a significant impact on the human lives through the different types of major social influential factors such as usage of technology, changes in the showbiz and entertainment industry, television sector, latest events, news, and even the changes in the fashion of people. All these factors, when combined, define pop … Read more