Using AI to Predict Climate Change

Artificial  intelligence is the process of teaching machines the ability to replicate human intelligence. AI systems have intellectual properties associated with the human brain, including the application of grammatical tagging, computer vision, speech recognition, and intelligent systems. AI systems have the ability to learn by understanding past experiences and predicting what may happen next. Machines are fed information through rote learning which enables them to store everything in their memory and be able to identify and make decisions when a similar problem occurs.

Artificial intelligence can adapt to new environments. Through trial and error, the machine learns, memorizes, and predicts. The main learning behaviors that have equipped machines to replicate the human brain have been through Learning, reasoning, problem-solving, perception, and understanding as well as applying language

The advancement in technology and Artificial intelligence has been revolutionary in the last few decades. AI can provide suggestions, predict behaviors and offer insights for a number of essential world industries like energy, healthcare, water management, communication systems, applied mathematics, etc.

One of the most pressing issues globally, that has affected millions of lives is climate change. Let’s look at the ways we can use AI to tackle climate change.

Can AI Help with Climate Change?

The phenomenon we read about in books during our childhood, has actually begun to show its implications on the planet. Climate change has caused Earth’s temperature to rise by 0.08° Celsius every 10 years since 1880. This means there has been an increase of 2° Fahrenheit in the global temperature in the last century.

Last year was recorded to be the sixth hottest year according to NOAA’s data, with the other 10 warmest years all occurring between 2010 and 2022. Countries all around the world experience heat waves, affecting crops, food production, water management, and the world economy. Immense heat has further increased the rate at which glaciers melt, affecting the natural habitat of so many plants and animal species. Destructive floods and excessive rain have further damaged human life in most developing countries, causing disease outbreaks, loss of life, loss of homes, and health emergencies.

All of this means that climate change is happening and we need to actively alter our activities and provide useful resources including information to prepare people for what’s coming in their respective regions. Prevention is the first step. And to make it possible, we can use the help of artificial intelligence in a number of ways. Let’s explore them.

Ways How AI is Helping Tackle Climate Change

AI works by establishing patterns and identifying factors that aid in the cause and effect of things. Through predictive insights, AI can provide information on upcoming weather conditions, crop yields, preventative measures, and useful resources. When you search for weather, search engines identify your location and provide insights into weather updates as well as recommendations such as, ‘carry a water bottle with you during extreme heat this coming week’

You can check your weather updates regularly or use an AI assistant to help you plan ahead. A good internet connection can help you interact with AI systems like ChatGPT to engage in an informative discussion or climate change and how to tackle it. AT&T Internet plans start from $55/month, offering fast and reliable internet service at very economical rates and so you can explore them if you are in need to connect with a solid ISP.

By providing regional weather insights along with useful tips to prepare for extreme conditions, AI helps people plan their outdoor activities. It provides information on the type of plantation that will help reduce the temperature such as shad-giving trees in your locality. If there are chances of a flood you will be recommended to plant trees that absorb more water and reduce the flow of fast-flowing water.

Perhaps the most important application of AI is its ability to provide a long-term pattern of climate change and provide solutions, recommendations, and processes in which we can achieve a way to limit adverse effects and save our planet.

Some key takeaways for AI’s contribution to tackling climate change are:

  • Artificial intelligence predicts upcoming climatic changes by identifying recurring trends and patterns and data collection methods to provide us with useful information on what to prepare for and how
  • AI can provide insights by highlighting emergency zones that are most likely to get hit by climate issues like famine, flooding, crop damage, intense heat, etc.
  • AI helps forecast weather uncertainties and equip you with solutions to prevent or limit damage
  • AI can receive information from satellites to study the changes taking place on Earth, providing a great source of data for humans to observe and investigate further on.


Climate change is the biggest and most alarming issue in today’s world. While scientists and environmentalists have spent their lives researching and trying to control global warming, the ability of AI in tackling the issue is yet to be explored! Let us work together in saving our planet.