Why British Films Move the Global Film Audiences?

The British Film Institute recently released its annual report on the state of Britain’s movie business, and it paints a picture that could be described as “booming” – but not without some caveats. The BFI says there were 4.5 million tickets sold in 2017 for films made by independent producers; this was up from 3.9m from 2016. These numbers are also in line with a research from Betway Casino on how UK has been export TV shows.

It also notes that box office takings rose to £1bn, which represents an increase of 10% over 2016. But while these figures may seem impressive, they still represent only 2% growth compared with 2015. Although the number of people going to see movies shot here increased by 1%, the total attendance fell slightly because more cinemas closed than opened during the period covered by the survey. So what explains all this?

Well, firstly, we have to remember that the BFI doesn’t include online ticket sales or DVD rentals when calculating cinema attendances. This means that if you go to watch a new release at your local multiplex, then download it later, you won’t count towards the overall figure. In other words, the rise in numbers attending theatres isn’t necessarily due to a surge in interest in watching movies. Instead, it might just reflect the fact that many people who would otherwise never set foot inside a cinema now do so thanks to streaming services like Netflix.

Secondly, the BFI does say that the average age of those buying tickets dropped significantly between 2014 and 2017: from 38 years old to 34. That suggests younger viewers are increasingly choosing to spend their money elsewhere rather than shelling out cash to sit through a feature-length drama. Thirdly, the BFI points out that the amount spent per person visiting cinemas actually declined slightly despite the huge jump in the number of attendees. So perhaps audiences aren’t spending quite as much time in front of screens as before. Or maybe they’re simply opting for cheaper alternatives such as TV shows instead.

Finally, the BFI highlights one particular area where things look particularly good right now: digital distribution. According to the institute, around half of all tickets bought in 2017 came via mobile apps, websites or tablets. This compares favourably with previous years, when the proportion stood at 43%. What’s more, the BFI reckons that almost two thirds of all tickets purchased in 2017 were paid for using credit cards, debit cards or PayPal accounts. Again, this is higher than any point since 2013.

But even though the BFI sees plenty of potential for further growth, it warns that the current boom will soon come to an end unless something changes. For example, it predicts that the number of people seeing movies shot outside London will fall sharply in 2018 after rising steadily throughout 2017. Meanwhile, the BFI expects the number of jobs created within the sector to drop back down again once the recent upturn ends.

The UK film industry is still experiencing growth

As mentioned earlier, UK has a rich history and culture, which is reflected in its cinema industry. It also boasts some of the best actors working today. Here are some of the reasons global audience loves UK TV shows and movies, according to recent analysis by Betway Casino.

1. Long history of film production

The British film industry has a long history and tradition, which dates back over 100 years ago when it was founded by Alfred Hitchcock in 1913. It’s been around for such a long time that there have been several different incarnations of the British film industry. In fact, the current incarnation of the British film industry started life as the National Film Theatre in 1936.

This year marks its 80th anniversary! Also, the British film industry is one of only two organisations that hold an official royal charter from Queen Elizabeth II. This has made it popular in Europe, America, Africa, and other continents across the world. After all; a larger part of world population love UK TV shows and movies.

2. Fresh film content

Britain produces some of the best films in the world every. From blockbusters like Star Wars: The Last Jedi or Marvel movies like Black Panther, to independent gems like Lion or Suffragette – the UK produces them all at home. And they often win awards too! For example, Beasts Of No Nation won Best Foreign Language Oscar recently while 1917 took out the Academy Award for Best Picture. The fact that UK’s film industry releases new TV shows and movies nearly every year allows the global audience to keep on watching their films.

3. Great acting talent

British film-makers have been producing quality work for decades now. From classics like ‘A Room With A View’, ‘Shakespeare In Love’ or ‘Bridget Jones Diary’ to more recent hits such as ‘Pride And Prejudice’, ‘Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2′ or ‘Skyfall’. You will be able to see great performances by well-known stars such as Daniel Craig, Judi Dench, Emma Thompson, Tom Hiddleston, Eddie Redmayne, Helena Bonham Carter, and Benedict Cumberbatch.

4. Quality production values

British filmmakers tend to produce high quality productions with excellent cinematography and sound design. They often use state-of-the art technology to create realistic effects that make their stories come alive on screen. This means that when you watch these films at home they look even better than those made elsewhere.

5. High standards of filmmaking

Many people think that only Hollywood produces good films but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Britain has produced some amazing works over the years including ‘Gandhi’, ‘Chariots Of Fire’, ‘Brideshead Revisited’. These were all nominated for Oscars and won several other awards too. So if you want to enjoy an entertaining movie experience then it pays to check out British cinema.

6. Good story lines

Many British films feature strong storylines and characters that develop throughout the course of the narrative. There is usually something interesting happening every few minutes so there isn’t much time wasted between scenes. If you don’t find yourself interested in the plot then perhaps try one of the latest blockbusters instead and if you are not in the mood for any of that, then how about an interesting read about Messi autism to increase your knowledge about the best sport in the world?




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