What were some of the crazy fads of the 1950s?

What were some of the crazy fads of the 1950s

If you were alive in 1950s America, you surely recall McCarthyism and the Korean War. But there are more exciting things to see on Memory Lane. The fads craze, and pop sensations of the time when supper was served to the entire family every night and having a car with fins might … Read more

What were some of the crazy fads of the 1960s?

By their very nature, fads are transient. They typically appear out of nowhere, have a collective effect on those who are affected, become almost obsessed with whatever it is, and then, almost in a hive mind-like fashion, simultaneously decide they have had enough and give it up. The never-ending cycle of fads … Read more

What Were Some of the Crazy Fads of the 2010s?

The 2010s has been one of the most eventful decades for many people. Besides being very memorable, the 2010s is also filled with dozens of fads and trends that have become quite popular in many countries around the world. Trends aren’t only seen in fashion in the 2010s, as they are also … Read more

What Were Some of the Crazy Fads of the 2000s?

The 2000s was a fun and exciting decade for a lot of us, as it was able to bring some of the best things that we have seen from various industries around the world. But, the 2000s is also kind of weird, as it also brought us various fads and trends that … Read more

What Were Some of the Crazy Fads of the 70s?

The aftermath of political turmoil and socio-cultural disruption of the 1960s was the utmost carefree outlook of the 1970s. It seems as if the people of that era were trying to break free from a significant generational trauma through several social and cultural movements, such as the feminist movement.  Overview of this … Read more

What Were Some of the Crazy Fads of the 80s?

With every decade come new crazy fads, and just like the 80s had their own share in providing us with something to talk about today. The 80s was when people indulged in some of the most questionable fashion trends and found it very normal. Not just fashion but even the toys from … Read more

What Were Some of the Crazy Fads of the 90s?

How would you feel going back to the 90s and seeing some nostalgic fads and fashion of that decade? Of course, you will love to travel around. Every decade has its unique and funny trends, so do the 90s. You know, The 90s have given us exciting and memorable fads and styles; … Read more

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